Mon 27 Jan
MAIN ATTRACTION ★ 80 in call ★ 100 outcall ★ EARLY Bird SPECIAL ★ APPLE Bottom EBONY 38C ★ - 32
(Long Beach, NORWALK 605 exit ROSECRANS 323 609 4191)
LeT Me ~}~ Jump STaRT YouR Day ~}~ SupeR SeXy BLondE PLaYMaTe ~}~ SiT BaCk and Enjoy the MoMeNT - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos, incall/outcall)
Good MoRning FuN ~*~ eXoTiC BLondE PLaYMaTe ~*~ HighLy addiCTiVe GiRL NexT DoOr ~*~ No RuSH Specials - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos, incall/outcall)
{{ CoMe TrY sOmeThiNg NeW }} ] [[ 1OO% EXOTIC ]] ((CuTiE w/BOOTY )) * (1OO% FuN & SeXy) ! - 21
(Long Beach, Cerritos Norwalk)
Feeling Lonely Bellflower Hosting 2 Girl Special and $65 Incalls - 19
(Long Beach, Bellflower Long Beach)
FiNaLLy!!! ((SoMeOnE ThAt CaN LeAVe U SMiLiNG)) ReAdY NoW((SeXy BLoNDe BuNNii)) SpECiALs aLL DaY - 25
(Long Beach, ★NORWALK INCALL 605/5 ★)
___::__~* Energetic __ Blonde __ Barbie *~_ $ 100 _ Specials __ INSIDE ___ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
* 1OO$ * .. (( Mmm , Soo Yummy )) .. Sexxy Little Blonde .. * 1OO$ * - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 // 105 fwys *)
Sexy Blue Eyed Babe doing Incalls 10am-3pm outcalls 8-1am real pics incall specials!! - 22
(Long Beach, incalls by downey Outcalls most Areas)
Asian Hawaiian Island Beauty for hot dates (can u keep up?).Shorty 5ft, 110lbs ( GREAT RATES) ! - 29
Hot NEW COLLEGE GIRL in town ONLY tonight ✏️📚😉 wild sexy fun CALL NOW !!!! INCALL specials ALL NIGHT - 20
(Long Beach, LONGBEACH)
💋My Boyfriend is out of town 💌 - 27
(Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Fullerton, Huntington Beach, Long Beach, Norwalk, Orange County, Orange County Outcall in O.C. INcall 💋, Santa Ana)
Looking for a great time come!!!!! (( two girls $$70 )) - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy,605fwy,downey,norwalk incall)
MiD * NighT * TreaT ~*~ UnFoRgeTTable BLonde ExpeRieNCe ~*~ UnRuSHed * iNCaLL * SpeCiaLs ~*~ - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos, incall/outcall)
"Mia" INDEPENDENT / Sweet CLASSY - PiCs ACCurate & CURRent 100% REAL INcall ONLY disneyland - 28
(Downey, Irvine, Long Beach, orange anaheim disneyland irvine, Orange County)
LeT Me ~}~ Jump STaRT YouR Day ~}~ SupeR SeXy BLondE PLaYMaTe ~}~ SiT BaCk and Enjoy the MoMeNT - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk,Cerritos, incall/outcall)
LaST NiTE!! ((BrUnEttE HoTTiE)) LaSt CHaNCe!! (`'•LuSCiOUs V•'´) UnB€Li€vaBL€ SKILLS & SpECiALs - 25
(Long Beach, Norwalk {605/5} Incall & Outcall)
LaST NiTE((SeXii BrUNeTTe BuNNii)) LUSCIOUS V *•♥•* THE 1 & ONLY *•♥•* ULTiMaTe ExPeRiEnCe - 25
№➊ JAW DROPPING ⚡ G O R G E O U S Q U E E N 👑 1OO% Rεaℓ↱ ➡ SeXy 💯📱🌅 ready now 🌉📱 - 19
(Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk, ⚡DOWNEY 👉 91/105/605fwy 💥INCALL ONLY)
💦LaSt DaY N ToWn🍑BOoty lOvErS🎀💸👠60SpeCiAls🎀 wHiTe BiG BoOtTy 💋🎀60 pLaYmaTe👅🎀$pEcIalS •😗 - 22
(Long Beach, Norwalk, San Gabriel Valley, Whittier 605 and slauson out and incall)
KIssAbLE BodY OnLy VisiTiNg PURE SaTiSfAcTiOn ((CuTiE w/BOOTY )) Super Sexy PLaYmaTe !! - 21
(Long Beach, Artesia,Cerritos,Norwalk ((91/605/105)))
Jenny sexy latina $$50special (two gilrs for $$70 30 min ) 5fwy - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy norwalk firestone roscrans incall)
▃ ▆ █_____ ___º(¯`'•Im BACK (¯`'•.¸ ☆¸.•'´¯) BLONDE★☆ WITH KILLER BANGING BODY ..NevaehDream ! - 25
(Long Beach, Downey/Norwalk 105/605...incall)
*LaST NiTE SpECiaLs* SeXy BLoNDe BuNNy °•★•° SWEETER THEN A CUPCAKE° °•★•° LeAViNG SoOn - 25
№➊ JAW DROPPING ⚡ G O R G E O U S Q U E E N 👑 1OO% Rεaℓ↱ ➡ SeXy 💯📱🌅 ready now 🌉📱 - 19
(City of Long Beach, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk, ⚡DOWNEY 👉 91/105/605fwy 💥INCALL ONLY)
🍓💋 JuiCy Lip$🍓 Juicy B👀Ty 🍫 R€aL & SeXy 😘IM YOUR PerFect petite GIRL! 💋 PANAMANIAN PRINCESS - 19
(Long Beach, 105 fwy/downey/norwalk/bellflower)
Hi im sexy 💖 latina 💖 im new 💖 in town call 💅 independen 🎀 🎀 🎀 my is Lucy 🎀 I'm from Venezuela - 21
(Long Beach, 710/Firestone sout gate downey bell)
* FUN * ~ .. ~ * YOUNG * ~ .. ~ * BLONDE * ~ .. ~ * COLLEGE * ~ .. ~ * CUTIE * ~ .. ~ * 1OO$ * - 22
(~ Near 91 , 605 & 710 fwys ~)
✨HoLiDAy SpECiAls ✨ E X O T i C 💖 N A U G H T Y 💖 YOUNG 💖 G O R G E O U S 💖 HABLA ESPANOL 💕 - 19
(Long Beach, 605 FwY norwaLk Cerritos Downey (inCaLL))
★ [☎ CÅll M€ ☎] ★ THIS •••► IS •• ► WHERE •• ► IT'S •• ► AT!!! ♥ηαυghtу 60 ѕρєcιαl♥ - 21
(Long Beach, •Norwalk 91frwy Incall•)
CLiCk HeRe ~~~ Gorgeous FuN SiZed BLOndE DoLL ~~~ TempoRaRiLy YouRs ~~~ CoMe over and ReLaX with Me - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia Norwalk 91/605Fwy Incall/Outcall)
☎ * :.♥ :* _____ CLASSY EXOTIC EBony _____ * :. ♥ :* ☎ - 25
(Long Beach, off 91..incall. norwalk)
?BUSTY ? BlonDE? HOTTIE ? AbSOlutlY STunninG;!! - 21
(Long Beach, *Cerritos/ norwalk/Artisa incall)
CLiCk HeRe ~~~ Gorgeous FuN SiZed BLOndE DoLL ~~~ TempoRaRiLy YouRs ~~~ CoMe over and ReLaX with Me - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia Norwalk 91/605Fwy Incall/Outcall)
CeRtIfIeD *: ☆To LeAvE YoU WeAk N ThE KnEeS : *☆ AnD I'LL make Your PanTs RiSe - 23
(Long Beach, NORWALK/ARTESIA 91/605/105 INCALL)
((£aST DaY SpLs!)) •♛• Exclusive {{1 oF A KiNd}} Companion •♛• BeAiTiFuL BuNNii •♛• {{£aSt CHaNCe}} - 25
(Long Beach, ARTESIA/NORWALK 91/605 FWY)
₤AST DAY⇨All THat YoU NεεD⇦{{GooD QuALiTY = PεRFεCT SaTiSFaCTiON}} ♕₤uSCiOUs V♕ ₤aST DaY - 25
(Long Beach, NORWALK INCALL 605/5/105 FWY)
*☆* NeW To ThE ArEa *★* ThIcK & SeXy *☆* ArE U ReAdY *★* EaRLy BiRd SpEcIaLs - 20
( (♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) :: ( ( ♥ ♥ ✅✅ call Now ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) :: EARLY BIRD SPECIALS ♥♥ - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk 105 / 605 fwy INCALL ONLy)
· •°★°•💦ⓦⓔⓣ & ⓦⓘⓛⓓ🙊💕Brunette Fɾҽɑk💕 Cuɾѵվ Dօʟʟ💕·♥· Lɨʍɨtɛɖ Tɨʍɛ! 🕙 INCALL⇚MASSIVE (๏人๏) 38GG - 22
(91fwy//Avalon Carson Incall only, Carson, Long Beach, Norwalk)
Sun 12 Jan
Aly super sexy hot and ready $$50 special today (($ 70 two girls )) - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy norwalk downey incall)
$60 UnRushed Quality Time (( LeT's PLaY iN my SHEETS )) Cuban DoLL $60 UnRuShed N@uGht¥ FUN - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
$60 Smash ║ ║█ ─║ █║ ║█║_░JUICy biG B00Ty ░ ─║ █║║ ║_★ ★ ★ « Your Morning Creep █║ $60 Smash - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK/DOWNEY 5/605 fwy Incall Only)
{ 100% REAL } ... { YOUNG & TIGHT } ... { BLONDE & YUMMY } ... { $ 100 SPECIAL } - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
40 HH Daddy 💋🆕5⃣🌟 The Best🏆Hot🔥Exotic Stunning Alexus💎 Upscale No Rush Call Me Daddy 💎💋💎💞 - 25
(Downey, InCall Downey South Gate Norwalk InCall, Long Beach)
$$50 $$70 two girls special sexy latinas soper hot ** kiss me ** - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy norwalk downey incall)
$60 Fun ║ ║█ ─║ █║ ░JUICy biG B00Ty CUBAN ░ ─║ █║║ JUMPSTART uR WEEK «█║ $60 FUN - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
♥°o °o♥ ; 2 N A U G H T Y * G I R L S * S P E C I A L S ♥°o °o♥ - 23
(Long Beach, norwalk/ artesia/ cerritos/ incall / out)
★▬▬▬ PUERTO RICAN // POLYNESIAN ▬ IN/OUT ▬ 36DD Cutie with a BOOTY ▬▬▬★ - 24
(Long Beach, BELL GARDENS 710/Florence 3234263099)
iTs HaPPy HouR ~:~ KinKy BLonde SenSaTioN ~:~ End YouR NighT RiGHT ~:~ iNcaLL SpeCiaLs* LeTs PLaY - 21
(Long Beach, Norwalk Incall/Outcall)
H💥T ____Busty ____Thai/Cuban/Indian mix__Naughty__Nude 💕NURU ==== teasing =====KISSING 👄 PROSTATE - 23
(Cerritos, City of Long Beach, Downey, Downey Norwalk Paramount Incall Outcall, Long Beach, Norwalk)
Sat 11 Jan
____{ B l o n d e }__* young & tight *__~ $ 100 ~___ *SPECIALS* ______ - 22
(~ 91 , 605 , 710 fwys ~)
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
Special B4 1pm *(*( TOPLESS 38 DD MASSAGE )*)* Seductive Sensual Body Rub = Relief 562 356 7490 - 28
(Long Beach, Artesia @ 91 & 605 fwys)
✦LAST DAY✦LaSt ChAnCe ✦NeW PiCS 100% REAL°o✦o° BLoNDe BuNNiE °o✦o° - 25
(Long Beach, ★NORWALK INCALL 5/605 FWY★)
$60 spectacular ☆——— "Its time 2 get N@sT¥" ———☆ CuBaN DoLL ☆ —Big BoOt¥ ◆ $60 Certified pRo in Bed! - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
(( $60 )) "Ready 2 get KINKY" :::: BIG BOOTY CuBaN :::: CERTIFIED Pro iN B3D (($60 )) SPECTACULAR - 23
(Long Beach, 91 Norwalk Longbeach Incall)
____ *+* DrIpPn *JuIcY * RoUnD * PiNk ( M Z. G A * P E A C H * ) *+* ____________ - 20
(ARTESIA ( 91 & PION33R ))
$60 Real Pleasure •KILLER Body{{ Sexi CUBAN DoLL }} Big Juicy BOOTY!! $60 Spectacular - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
Sexy Blue Eyed Babe doing Incalls 10am-3pm outcalls 8-1am real pics incall specials!! - 22
(Long Beach, incalls by downey Outcalls most Areas)
REVIEWED ___________________ REAL and SEXY ________________ JAPANESE _____________ BABE___________ - 26
(City of Long Beach, costa mesa incall LONG BEACH OUTCALL, Long Beach)
💋I am open Late for you! Real Brunette !💋 - 21
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, North Hollywood Incall 💋🔥💢🔥)
((( NEW ))) **♥** [O] [P] [E] [N] This [p] [a] [c] [k] [a] ge**♥** V_i_S_i_T_i_N_G - 22
💦NEW GIRL IN TOWN💖 😜 give me a call at 916-585-2287💖 💦Firestone & Lakewood blvd 🔥 - 20
(Bellflower, City of Long Beach, Compton, Downey, Downey incall. Firestone/Lakewood, Long Beach, Norwalk)
new area 5fwy two girls special $$70 4 30 min (714 9486596) Love touch Down call me baby - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy norwalk downey incall)
*N A U G H T Y* .. || BL0NDE || .. ~ C.o.l.l.e.g.e ~ .. [[ CUTiE ]] .. *1oO$ Special * - 22
(* near 91 , 605 , 710 fwys *)
•*I MaKe DrEaMs CoMe TrUe•* ——— •*HiGhLY ReQuEsTeD Big BooTy GiRL NeXT DooR
(Long Beach, Norwalk 91fwy (incall))
LAST CHANCE SpECiALs ((LeAViNg SoOn))DoNt MiSs OuT ((GuARaNTeeD PLeAsUrE))100% ReAL SeXii SnOwBuNnY - 25
(Long Beach, NORWALK INCALL ((605/5fwys)) OUTCALLS)
Good morning Guys $$ 50 special today sexy latinas!! - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy norwalk firestone roscrans incall)
Fri 10 Jan
new area two girls special call me $$ 70 30 min !!!!!!! - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy,605fwy,downey,norwalk incall)
Looking for a great time come!!!!! (( two girls $$70 )) - 25
(Long Beach, 5fwy,605fwy,downey,norwalk incall)
Get A LittlE Bit' Of *T.L.C. From ME??! I'm Definately A KeepeR!!! Incall special.... - 23
(Long Beach, norwalk artesia cerritos incall / out)
HoLiDAy SpECiAls ✨ E X O T i C 💖 N A U G H t Y 💖 YOUNG 💖 G O R G E O U S 💖 HaBLa EsPaNoL 💕 - 19
(Long Beach, 605 FwY norwaLk Cerritos Downey (inCaLL))
☎ * :.♥ :* _____ CLASSY EXOTIC EBony _____ * :. ♥ :* ☎ - 25
(Long Beach, off 91..incall. norwalk)
₤AST DAY⇨All THat YoU NεεD⇦{{GooD QuALiTY = PεRFεCT SaTiSFaCTiON}} ♕₤uSCiOUs V♕ ₤aST DaY - 25
(Long Beach, NORWALK INCALL 605/5/105 FWY)
★ Available Now!!《♡sExY Brunette PlAyMaTe★ (#1 pIcK) Early Bird Specials!!! - 21
(Long Beach, 405 hawthorne/ south bay/ everywhere)
( (♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) :: ( ( ♥ ♥ ✅✅ call Now ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) :: EARLY BIRD SPECIALS ♥♥ - 19
(Long Beach, Norwalk 105 / 605 fwy INCALL ONLy)
———— 1Oo% ReAL —————— ~SuPeR HoT && KiNKY~ —— FuN·SiZed BLondE —— BoMBsHeLL — No RuSh INCall SpeCiaL - 22
(Long Beach, Artesia Norwalk 91/605Fwy Incall/Outcall)
$60 Pleasure n Paly {{ Sexi JuiCy BoOtY CUBAN PLaYmaTe }} Come keep me WARM!! $60 Pleasure n Play - 22
(Long Beach, NORWALK area 91/605/5 fwy Incall Only)
$60 No RuSH! __with your _ !!!(#1 CReoLe FiliPiNa MIx )!!! ___HIghly Reviewed !!! 100%Real - 20
(Long Beach, Artesia / Norwalk 91fwy Incall)
((New Sexy ))💕 ((💕BuBbLe BoOty💕)✨ ( Mix!' Russian ) (0utcalls 120.Specials Only Tonight - 31
(Long Beach, 0utcalls all over 120=200)
NeW GIRL in town!!! xxBeautiful💋Red Headxx White girl Young and ready for FuN - 20
(Long Beach, paramount cerritos long beach bellflower)
(NEW IN TOWN) 🌟 $60 💋 ((Big Booty)) 💋 $60 (( T¡GhT Body )) — $60— (( Sexy Playmate)) - 23
(Long Beach, Norwalk Downey 5fwt(INCALL))