Sun 05 Jan
1 In a MiLLioNN ** BaDEs WiTe BItCh*** CaLi's 5 StAr PoRnStAr *** 60 qq KiNg TrEaTmeNt - 19 - 19
(DOWNEY ((105 ) (91)) IncALLZ)
* * JEANNIE & SPARKLE * * Ready 2 StArT ThIs PaRtY * * 24/7 & LaIDBaCk * * 120-In * 140-0uT * * - 23
(Long Beach, Carson In/Out 405 call now 91)
Im Back!!!• *¨¨*•Boys play with toys men play with this!•BLONDE(( ♥ ♥ AVAiLABLE ♥ ♥ )) Miss Dream ! - 25
(Long Beach, Downey /norwalk105/605)
💎💕★ [🍰B•U•S•T•Y 38C🍭] ★ [ SMoKiN 💨HoT🔥 BoDY 👅💦] ★ [ 🍒JUiCY ] = [ 👸💋.DIAMOND.👠🐝]Available Now👠💎💄 - 26
____{ B l o n d e }__* young & tight *__~ $ 100 ~___ *SPECIALS* ______ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 // 105 fwys *)
: * . B L O N D E : * . O F : * . Y O U R : * . D R E A M S : * . : : .:*. - 21
(Los Angeles, Lax Incalls - 405 frwy - Santa Monica)
AtTeNtIoN: To AlL AsS LoVeRs OnCe In A LiFeTiMe DoNt MiSs ThIs CuRvEy BlUe EyEd BlOnDe GoDdEsS!!! - 22
(Artesia/norwalk/cerritos/562 incalls)
______ :::B __ L __ O __ N__ D__ E :::___ ☆ ___ :::B__ O__ M__ B__ S__H__ E __L __L::: _______ - 19
(Long Beach, INCALL-OUTCALLS !! = ) »» 91/710FWY.. xO)
*°*°*ThIcK blonde hazel eyes DDs big booty curvy sexy & FuLl Of sKiLls*°*°*
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, west covina/rosemead)
°☆° New Small Petite Blonde. ((Just Visiting!)) Specials! °☆° Norwalk incalls - 21
(Longbeach/Norwalk incall)
█ N@UGHTY BLONDE HOTTIE ❤ Super Sweet 100% REAL ((visiting!!)) █ - 22
(Long Beach, Gardena/Carson/Willmington/Palos Verdes)
G*F*E ((AvAiLABLe) ) BLoNDe HoTTiE G*F*E* ((ANyTiMe== ==LooK)) SnOw BuNNy - 21
_ _ _ _ _ ❤ | Gorgeous *Bl0ndE* Hottie With Specials | ❤_ _ _ _ _ _ - 22
$80 $80 ★1OO% THICK, 1OO% SEXY 1OO% InDePeNdEnT! ExXxoTiC BlOnDe WiTh KilLeR CuRvEs!★ - 22
(Artesia Incalls Off The 91 FWY)
80$ QV 🌞🌞 Slim Sexy Snow Bunny 🌞🌞visiting from Texas🌞🌞 🌞PCH - 22
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Long beach near PCH and Orange Ave)
80 special SEDUCTiIVE__ LATINA 100% IM ReAl *-*-* 80 special*-*-* *° -:¦:- **_~SUSSAN - 22
(DOWNEY 105)
**60* ☆ ▓► ☆ BETTER Than a BLONDE ☆ ◄▓ *60* - 22
(Long Beach, Gardena Torrance Carson San Pedro)
6ft tall beautiful blueyed blonde bombshell with big booty NEW to long beach Outcall available - 38
(Long Beach)
$1oo .. * (( Mmm , So Yummy )) * .. Pretty Blonde .. * (( Tight Little Kitty )) * .. $1oo - 22
(91 / 605 / 710 fwys)
New Pics Today! Aly and Jenny *Reviewed* ($60 Special) 9AM to 6PM - 25
(Long Beach, 91/Pioneer @Artesia, Cerritos, 100 for 2)
°☆° New Small Petite Blonde. ((Just Visiting!)) Special °☆° Artesia incalls - 21
(Longbeach/Artesia incall)
——————— *NAUGHTii HOTTie* ——————— * OUTCALLS ONLY! * ——————— - 21
(Long Beach, Incalls And Outcalls)
Im WaItInG 4 U *** ReAdY tO FeEl GrEaT? *** 24/7 {{SpEcIaLs}} *** TaTtED BuNnY - 22
(Long Beach, 405 *Carson * 110 * Avalon)
~~ Drama-Free ~~ Independent Blonde Mature ~~ True and Genuine! ~~ No Games! Real Pics! - 32
(Long Beach, incalls only*se habla espanol 2139094541)
___::__~* Energetic __ Blonde __ Barbie *~_ $ 100 _ Specials __ INSIDE ___ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 fwys *)
★.•*¨¨*• BlOnDie L♡vers' #1 Pick→F L A W L E s S •* ☆ . •BeAuTy☆ :-•*¨¨*•★ - 23
(Long Beach, OUT/caLLs)
Blonde Scarlett and Aussie Todd give you body-job together. sensual couple, all 4U. - 40
(Long Beach, Encino or out to you)
B L O N D E !! ➜ *FLiRTy, FreaKy && FuN* (100% REAL Pic'SSS!!) - 22
(22 Fwy // Anaheim // Orange // Incalls*)
80$ QV 🌞🌞 Slim Sexy Snow Bunny 🌞🌞visiting from Texas🌞🌞 🌞PCH - 22
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, Long beach near PCH and Orange Ave)
1OO,OO _** WARNiNG **_ this SExxXY & T!GHT __* B . L .O .N .D .E *__ WILL cause a mass EXPLOSiON! !
42EEEs, all natural , mature busty blonde, with mad skills, and other ASSets to enjoy!! - 48
(Downey, Long Beach)
#1 Pick F L A W L E s S BLoNde HoTTiE [ Great Skills } Nice JUICY A.S.S. Take a Peek.. - 21
✭✭" δTØP WAS₮¡NG ₮¡MΞ & MØNΞY"✭✭ThE яєαℓ DEAL!💎 αvαiℓabℓε NOW - 22
(405 via Carson st, Carson, Long Beach)
lisa seeking ONLY VERY HAIRY GUY OR GUY WITH A VERY HAIRY CROTCH only hairy guy only - 30
(Los Angeles, TORRANCE, Westside)
( ( ( MEOW>>>wanna see PINK KITTY PURRRR? cum play with A SEX KITTEN WHOS A TIGER IN THE SACK!! - 30
👄💄 M_O_D_E_L ⭐️ T_Y_P_E 💄👄 STUNNING 🌟 BlONDE 💋💯 ❗️ LAST DAY S P E C I A L S❗️ - 19
(Long Beach, Carson Torrance Gardena Harbor City)
❤ N__O__T__ H__ I __ N__G __ ❤ C__ O__ M __ P __ A __ R __ E __S ❤ ❤ReAL❤100%❤ - 21
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
.. * HOT BLONDE! * ... = S u P e R .. S w E e T = ... ~ TiGHT & YUMMY ~ ... (( 1OO$ SPECiAL! )) .. - 22
(* 91 // 710 // 605 fwys *)
Fresh Out The Shower & Freshly SHAVED.. Sooo SMOOTH!!! bIgGeSt B00TY On BP!! $80 $80 $80 - 22
(Artesia Incalls Off The 91 FWY)
_____****** FANtasy GIRL :) SEXy BLue EYes ______ SPArkling BLOnde HAir :) _____ Hot HOT BODy ;) - 24
(Long Beach- Orange County)
_ _ _ _ _ ❤ | Gorgeous *Bl0ndE* Hottie With Specials | ❤_ _ _ _ _ _ - 22
BRaND NeW To ARtesIA!! **~ Beautiful **~~ Extravagant **~~ Breathtaking Blonde **~~ - 20
____{ B l o n d e }__* young & tight *__~ $ 100 ~___ *SPECIALS* ______ - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 // 105 fwys *)
[★] AvAiLaBlE NoW [★] :- So ADoRABLE -: [★] AvAiLaBlE NoW [★] - 21
(Cerritos . Norwalk . INCALLS...)
(( $60 )) Special!! New Pics Today! Aly and Jenny *Reviewed* 9AM to 6PM - 25
(Long Beach, 91/Pioneer @Artesia, Cerritos, 100 for 2)
53-35-46 Mature Thick Curves in all the right places Busty Blonde wants you..... - 48
(Long Beach, Downey Tr)
【1OOO%REAL 】💞【 HoT&& SEXYY BABE 】 💞【#1 Most Desired】💞 【★•°o°•★ READY ★•°o°•★】💞💎【BLONDiE 】👸🏼💞【JUiCY]] - 23
(Downey, Downey, 605fwy, Firestone blvd, Long Beach)
💯⏳💎2 GIRL Specials 👑💄⌚💎New In Town, Never BEFORE SEEN Catch US While You Can💸👠⌚💗🎀 Outcall/Incall AVA - 20
(Long Beach, norwalk, downey, cerritos, surroundings)
___ [[ 1oO% ~ R€AL]] — ♥ — [[ ߀ÂU†i FUL ]] — ♥— [[ BiG bOoTy BlOnDe ]] ___ - 21
(Long Beach, Outcalls Only)
*$100*...... (( Mmmmm, Soooo Yummy )) ....... Sexxy Little Blonde .. *$100* - 22
(* 91 // 605 // 710 // 105 fwys *)
Sat 04 Jan
New Pics Today! Aly and Jenny *Reviewed* ($60 Special) 9AM to 6PM - 25
(Long Beach, 91/Pioneer @Artesia, Cerritos, 100 for 2)
📕✏️ I Just Graduated From School ..Can You Show Me What A Real Man Wants 💦 Blonde 💥💥 Bombshell 💦💋💧💋 - 22
(Long Beach, HarborCityCarsonSanPedroRedondoLongBeach)
Im Back!!!• *¨¨*•Boys play with toys men play with this!•BLONDE(( ♥ ♥ AVAiLABLE ♥ ♥ )) - 24
(Long Beach, Downey/Norwalk605/5...incall)
Im Back!!!• *¨¨*•Boys play with toys men play with this!•BLONDE(( ♥ ♥ AVAiLABLE ♥ ♥ )) - 25
(Long Beach, Downey 105/605)
🌸🙌 BLONDE Colombian🌸 ☞Rεαdy NOW 🌸 S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G 🌸╠╣Ot Bombshell !!!!🙌🌸 - 22
(Long Beach, Off 605 / Pico / Downey / Whittier ,ect)
*•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨ `*•.★Blonde Available Now*•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨ `*•.……………….. *•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨ `*Amazing Specials★ - 22
(Cerritos, Long Beach, long beach downto carson san pedro)
BUSTY BLONDE BOMBSHELL! ★★ ultimate BBW fantasy! ★★Video Proof - 22
Big booty, blue eyed blonde RETURNING 6/29! Angelic looks, a naughty mind & wicked fetish skills! - 26
(LBC then LAX)
*-:¦:-* BLONDE ASIAN PERSUASION *-:¦:-*READY FOR YOU ! *¨¨* 80 rose special WOW - 24
(Carson/Torrance/Long Beach/Gardena/Cpt)
CALL LEXY {why?} => Cute, Available, Lively, Luxurious & Loving, Entertaining, Xtreme, - 21
(Long Beach, ♥ Carson Gardena Torrance LB LA)
🍭 ___BLONDE __LOVERS #1 🍭__SWEET 🍭__TreAT 🍭 __OutCall Only.Avl.Right Now - 31
(Long Beach, L.B.SanPedro.B.g.Downey.Whittier OutOnly)
36DD_ B U S T Y ____ BlONdE (NEW PIX)_Exotic_ BIG BOOTY __( SPECIALS _80_120_140) WILD&kiNKy; - 19
(Inland Empire, temecula,perris,lake elsinore,murrieta)