Mon 24 Feb
✨3 new girls exotic style✨ 🔥☎️626-998-9598☎️ 🔥Reward new and old customers activities ❤️ luxury gifts are waiting for you🔥
(Long Beach, US)
Mon 27 Jan
🌸💟🌸💟🌸💟✨GRAND✨ 🌸💟✨N—E—W✨ 🌸💟 —🌸💟CALL:562-925-5888 🌸💟 PRIVATE✨🌸💟 SWEET🌸YOUNG🌸 CUTE🌸ASIAN🌸GIRL 🌸💟 —🌸💟— - 22
(Lakewood, Paramount, Cerritos, Downey, Long Beach)
My milkshake bring's all the boys to the yard **** 1 Time treat ** curvy & thick - 19
Sun 26 Jan
🟨🟨🔴🅱️🅱️🅱️j🦋🖤562❤️410❤️9508💟🌸🟨🔴⭐️1oo%real♋️3 asian🔥full service 🟨table shower ‼️🖤car model🔴
(9604 Artesia Blvd Bellflower)
Sat 11 Jan
🔲▃▃🔲❤️✨GRAND OPEN✨💜🔲▃▃🔲 ❤️✨PRETTY & SWEET✨💚 🔲▃▃🔲❤️✨ YOUNG❤️CUT❤️ASIAN ✨💜🔲💛 CALL ☎562-925-5888 💚▃▃🔲 ▃▃💜▃▃🔲 - 22
(Cerritos, Lakewood, Paramount, Cerritos, Downey, Long Beach)
Fri 10 Jan
GOOD NEWS~GENTLS ❤️❤️❤️❤MASSAGE ❤️❤️❤️❤ Thanksgiving special all day 40/H - 20
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Downey Paramont)
GOOD NEWS~GENTLS ❤️❤️❤️❤MASSAGE ❤️❤️❤️❤ Thanksgiving special all day 40/H - 20
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Downey Paramont)
I____ W ** A *** N ** T ___ H ** A ** R ** D __ C ** O** C** K *** Cum n get Sum dripin wet pu$zy* - 19
Thu 09 Jan
(( make me ur little freak ))**** put ur hands down my pants and take controll of this pu$$y - 19
❤❤❤NEW Girls❤❤❤ _____❤❤❤BEST SERVICE ❤❤❤ EARLY Bird - 20
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Downey Paramont)
Wed 08 Jan
My milkshake bring's all the boys to the yard **** 1 Time treat ** curvy & thick - 19
🔲▃▃🔲❤️✨GRAND OPEN✨💜🔲▃▃🔲 ❤️✨PRETTY & SWEET✨💚 🔲▃▃🔲❤️✨ YOUNG❤️CUT❤️ASIAN ✨💜🔲💛 CALL ☎562-925-5888 💚▃▃🔲 ▃▃💜▃▃🔲 - 22
(Cerritos, Lakewood, Paramount, Cerritos, Downey, Long Beach)
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
(( make me ur little freak ))**** put ur hands down my pants and take controll of this pu$$y - 19
Sun 05 Jan
❤❤❤❤❤____HAPPY FRIDAY --IT IS A FUN TIME______❤❤❤❤❤ - 20
(Long Beach, lakewood Cerritos Paramont Downey)
🔲▃▃🔲❤️✨GRAND OPEN✨💜🔲▃▃🔲 ❤️✨PRETTY & SWEET✨💚 🔲▃▃🔲❤️✨ YOUNG❤️CUT❤️ASIAN ✨💜🔲💛 CALL ☎562-925-5888 💚▃▃🔲 ▃▃💜▃▃🔲 - 22
(Cerritos, Lakewood, Paramount, Cerritos, Downey, Long Beach)
Sat 04 Jan
GOOD NEWS~GENTLS ❤️❤️❤️❤MASSAGE ❤️❤️❤️❤ Thanksgiving special all day 40/H - 20 - 20
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Downey Paramont)
I____ W ** A *** N ** T ___ H ** A ** R ** D __ C ** O** C** K *** Cum n get Sum dripin wet pu$zy* - 19
(( I'll be ur little freak )) Cum n Put ur hands down my pants (( R u Ready for me )) Cum now - 19
24/7 ~*~ BLaST oFF ~*~ 80 ~*~ Cum Get Dis PHat Azz ~*~ HuRRY uP iM DrIppINg WeTT - 20
Fri 03 Jan
🔲▃▃🔲❤️✨GRAND OPEN✨💜🔲▃▃🔲 ❤️✨PRETTY & SWEET✨💚 🔲▃▃🔲❤️✨ YOUNG❤️CUT❤️ASIAN ✨💜🔲💛 CALL ☎562-925-5888 💚▃▃🔲 ▃▃💜▃▃🔲 - 22
(Cerritos, Lakewood, Paramount, Cerritos, Downey, Long Beach)
24/7 ~*~ BLaST oFF ~*~ 80 ~*~ Cum Get Dis PHat Azz ~*~ HuRRY uP iM DrIppINg WeTT - 20
❤❤❤NEW Girls❤❤❤ _____❤❤❤BEST SERVICE ❤❤❤ EARLY Bird - 20
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Downey Paramont)
GOOD NEWS~GENTLS ❤️❤️❤️❤MASSAGE ❤️❤️❤️❤ Thanksgiving special all day 40/H - 20 - 20
(Long Beach, Lakewood Cerritos Downey Paramont)
Thu 02 Jan
🌸💟🌸💟🌸💟✨GRAND✨ 🌸💟✨N—E—W✨ 🌸💟 —🌸💟CALL:562-925-5888 🌸💟 PRIVATE✨🌸💟 SWEET🌸YOUNG🌸 CUTE🌸ASIAN🌸GIRL 🌸💟 —🌸💟— - 22
(Lakewood, Paramount, Cerritos, Downey, Long Beach)