Mon 27 Jan
LAST DAY!·•:❤ :✿: ❤:•· Petite Ebony Playmate ·•:❤:•· ___ 60 Specials! ____ - 25
💫✨✨✨ ** (((*Discreta LATINA *)))** ** ** **_____ 100%Real!!*____SPECIAL Hoy Solame💫 ** ** ** - 26
(Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Montebello/Commerce, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley)
❤️100%real💜💎 sexy💖💖big booty💎💙latinagirl ❤️avaliable ❤️now❤ - 29
(5fwy Commerce Montebello pico rivera, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
💖 💎100% real... !! 💖💎 Maya . Latina.... Wonderful!!! ...!! 💖💎 - 24
(Long Beach, Commerce Slauson 5 Fwy)
JESSY⭐⭐⭐ BigBootyBigDD🔝Let me ride that 🐎🐴🐎❗show you TEXAS style - 25
(Bell gardens Montebello commerce/5fwy, Long Beach)
💦Hosting Pico, Montebello, Commerce SURR!🍒 (BAD❤ASS ASIAN) - 22
(Long Beach, Pico Rivera, Montebello)
💫✨✨✨ ** (((*Discreta LATINA *)))** ** ** **_____ 100%Real!!*____SPECIAL Hoy Solame💫 ** ** ** - 26
(Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Montebello/Commerce, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley)
[[[ AVAILABLE NOW ]]] ___ [[ 1oO%~ ReAL]] — ★ — [[ eXOtiC ]] _[[ 80SPECiALS]] - 21
(Long Beach, HWY5 Commerce -Montebello -Downey)
☆80 special ( T¡¡gHt Tasty Playmate ☆ Ready Now ★Pleasing Hips ★ Juicy lips ☆ ★100 % Pleasure » - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello/Commerce 5 fwy incalls)
👑 6O Specials ❤️ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤️ *ReAdY tO PLaY* [LaSt DaY] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello/Downey 5 Fwy)
Sun 12 Jan
*50 SpECiALS* SeXy SeDuCtiVe EbOnY HoTTiE °★ DONT MISS OUT* [Leaving Soon] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall)
✅💚✅💚✅💚323-697-6888 ✅💚✅💚✅💚 Treat yourself ✅💚✅💚 5 SeXxiE College Cuties🍀🍀💋💋🍀🍀 Latin Lovers - 18
(710/5/60fwy,commerce,montebello, Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Pasadena, San Fernando, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel, San Gabriel Valley, West)
Oooh Sooo Yummy °•° ~°•° Booty Lovers Delight •°• - °•° Leaving Cali tomorrow °•°*°•° 8Ohh special - 22
(Long Beach, montebello/commerce 5 freeway)
Last Night·•:❤ :✿: ❤:•· Petite Ebony Playmate ·•:❤:•· ___ 50 Specials! ____ - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall 5 fwy)
💋🌹✨ ((JuSt ArRiVEd)) HOT [[Curvy]] LaTiNa BiG BO0TY|| Babe 60 SPeCiAL 💋 Yours NOW ! 💋🌹💦 - - 20
(Long Beach, , Pico Rivera Montebello Downey Commerce)
Sat 11 Jan
°°° Montebello / Commerce incalls ! °° ______ °° 8O §p€©ial§°° ______ °°° BOOTY LOV€R$ D€LiGHT °°° - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello. Commerce. 5 / 6O5 / 710)
—— [[80]] Specials —— °•:¦:•★. █ YoUR FAVORITe GIRL *• —— ♥LATINA💄█ ★ •:¦:•° —— AVAiLABLE NOW ! — - 25
👑 6O Specials ❤️ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤️ *ReAdY tO PLaY* [LaSt DaY] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello/Downey 5 Fwy)
😘😘 100% real 💜💎 sexy💖💖 big booty💎👌💙latina girl come play ❤️ now ❤ - 28
(commerce montebello 5fwy, Long Beach)
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-424_255_6348__Susan Latina 21 - 21
(Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Montebello Whittier Downey el Monte, Orange County, Westside)
Fri 10 Jan
•____• NAUGHTii TEMPTATiONS •____ •BOOTY LUVERS #1 CHOiCE •____ •Specials! PLAY in all 3 H•|€§ ! - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello. Commerce. 5 / 6O5 / 71O)
❤ 💎 100% ℛεaℓ 💎 █❤█Upscαℓε 💎 ßig ßooty 💎 █❤█ ßusty ρℓαγ ℳᆀ ❤️ ❤ - 28
(Long Beach, commerce montebello downey 5 fwy)
8O SPECiALS ♥♡[[ SNEAK ]] ♡♥♡[ AWAY AND PLAY ] ♡♥♡ [[ WiTH A BiG BOOTY CUTiE ] ♡♥♡ - 22
(Long Beach, montebello..commerce 5/ 6O5/ 71O)
❤️100%real💜💎 sexy💖💖big booty💎💙latinagirl ❤️avaliable ❤️now❤ - 28
(City of Long Beach, commerce Montebello 5fwy exit slauson, Long Beach)
Luscious Exotic CoMMerce \Downey >>>>>> LaTIna - 27
(Long Beach, DOWNEY/NORWALK/MOntebello/Commerce)
Last Night·•:❤ :✿: ❤:•· Petite Ebony Playmate ·•:❤:•· ___ 50 Specials! ____ - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall 5 fwy)
✨🌠JESSY 🌠Tuesday Special Let me show U Infinity &Beyond; 📹 Proof PLAYBOYMaterial 100% real pics 📷 - 25
(Commerce Montebello bell gardens 5 fwy, Long Beach)
6O SPeCiALS ❤ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤ *ReAdY tO PLaY* [Up Late] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall 5 Fwy)
🌺🎶PARIS🎶🌺$100$ PLATINUM❇ BLONDIE💯Real📷 REVIEWED Come Enjoy QUALITY don't settle for less🔝🆙 - 26
(5 fwy Commerce Montebello Bell Gardens, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Pasadena, Santa Ana)
💎⭐PARIS⭐💎$100$ TOP NOTCH BLONDIE ✴Reviewed✴ Come Enjoy Quality don't settle for nothing less🔝🆙 - 26
(5 Fwy Commerce Montebello Bell Gardens,, Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County)
Luscious Exotic CoMMerce \Downey >>>>>> LaTIna - 27
(Long Beach, DOWNEY/NORWALK/MOntebello/Commerce)
🎉💣JESSY🎉💣Weekend 120🎉🌟 SPECIAL✅You're Personal PLAYBOY MATERIAL 🐰 Blondie 🐰💯real📷 📹proof - 26
(5fwy Montebello Bell Gardens Commerce, Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County)
Thu 09 Jan
★ _ *N_O_T_H_I_N_G* _ _*L_E_S_S*_ _*T_H_A_N*_ _*T_H_E*_ _*B_E_S_T*_ 8O Spec!als ★ ! - 23
(Long Beach, Montebello. Commerce. 5 / 6O5 / 71O)
☆80 special ( T¡¡gHt Tasty Playmate ☆ Ready Now ★Pleasing Hips ★ Juicy lips ☆ ★100 % Pleasure » - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello/Commerce 5 fwy incalls)
_/\_ (626) 421- 8367 _/\_ Downey / Montebello~ ~Commerce /5 fwy ~_/\_ - 19
(Long Beach, downey/montebello/commerce/5 fwy)
_____ 8o Specials _____ ❤____INcalL_____ ❤ _____ Sexy latina ❤ _____ - 22
❤ 💎 100% ℛεaℓ 💎 █❤█Upscαℓε 💎 ßig ßooty 💎 █❤█ ßusty ρℓαγ ℳᆀ ❤️ ❤ - 29
(Long Beach, commerce montebello downey 5 fwy)
💥PARIS💥🎶PLATINUM🎶BLONDIE 💯%Real 📷REVIEWED✴5✴✴service Come Enjoy QUALITY Don't settle for less - 26
(5fwy Commerce Montebello Bell Gardens, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles)
LAST DAY!·•:❤ :✿: ❤:•· Petite Ebony Playmate ·•:❤:•· ___ 60 Specials! ____ - 25
💋💎G▪O▪R▪G▪E▪O▪U▪S -💎-L▪A▪T▪i▪N▪A 💎💋 (✨$80 Special✨) - 25
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Montebello Commerce 5 Fwy)
_/\_ (626) 421- 8367 _/\_ Downey / Montebello ~ Commerce / 5 fwy ~ 100 SpEciAls// spECIAls - 19
(Long Beach, Downey/montebello/commerce/5 fwy)
💋💋ღ 【LeT's】 ▬ 【MAkE】 ▬╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ 【YoUR】 ▬ ✿★ ✿▬ 【DREaMs】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ߒߠ【BEcOmE】 ▬ ❎❎❎ ▬ 【REALITY 💋💋💋 - 18
(710/5/60fwy,commerce,montebello, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
🎉💣JESSY🎉💣MORNING$120 🎉🌟 SPECIAL✅You're Personal PLAYBOY MATERIAL 🐰 Blondie🐰💯real📷 📹proof - 26
(5fwy Montebello Bell Gardens Commerce, Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County)
Wed 08 Jan
●●●100 SPCL●100% CHINESE 51" BOOTY from So.America🔥🔥 Gorgeous Chinese - 27
(**MONTEBELLO/MPK IN** Whittier,Commerce, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk)
*60 SpECiALS* SeXy SeDuCtiVe EbOnY HoTTiE °★ DONT MISS OUT* [Ready Now] - 25
(Long Beach, montebello/commerce 5 fwy)
⭐⭐Reviewed $120$ Morning Special 🐫💯real Limited ⭐⭐💦PARIS💦⭐⭐$120 $ LIMITED SPECIAL ⭐⭐💯Real 📷 - 24
(Commerce Montebello 5 fwy✴, Long Beach)
🎉💣JESSY🎉💣Weekend 120🎉🌟 SPECIAL✅You're Personal PLAYBOY MATERIAL 🐰 Blondie 🐰💯real📷 📹proof - 26
(5fwy Montebello Bell Gardens Commerce, Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County)
💋🌹✨ ((JuSt ArRiVEd)) HOT [[Curvy]] LaTiNa BiG BO0TY|| Babe 60 SPeCiAL 💋 Yours NOW ! 💋🌹💦 - - 20
(Long Beach, , Pico Rivera Montebello Downey Commerce)
💋🌹✨ ((JuSt ArRiVEd)) HOT [[Curvy]] LaTiNa BiG BO0TY|| Babe 60 SPeCiAL 💋 Yours NOW ! 💋🌹💦 - - 19
(Long Beach, , Pico Rivera Montebello Downey Commerce)
Hot! BANGING BODY :) ♥ Carissa is here for you ♥ Your Hot Goddess NEW NUMBER! - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello/commerce 5fwy)
Tue 07 Jan
[[[ AVAILABLE NOW ]]] ___ [[ 1oO%~ ReAL]] — ★ — [[ eXOtiC ]] _[[ 60SPECiALS]] - 19
(Long Beach, Montebello/Commerce In/Outcall SPECiALS)
💋💋ღ 【LeT's】 ▬ 【MAkE】 ▬╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ 【YoUR】 ▬ ✿★ ✿▬ 【DREaMs】╰ღ╮❤╭ღ╯ߒߠ【BEcOmE】 ▬ ❎❎❎ ▬ 【REALITY 💋💋💋 - 18
(710/5/60fwy,commerce,montebello, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley)
6O SPeCiALS ❤ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤ *ReAdY tO PLaY* [Up Late] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall 5 Fwy)
50 SpECiALS ❤ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤ *ReAdY To PLaY* [AMAZING SKILLS] - 25
(Long Beach, Montebello/Commerce Incall)
KINKY _F_U_N_ ♥ _&_ OPEN-MINDED ♥ __________ EXOTIC LATiNA BOMBSHELL ________80 !!! READY NOW!!!! - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello. Commerce. 5 / 6O5 / 71O)
🎉💣JESSY🎉💣MORNING$120 🎉🌟 SPECIAL✅You're Personal PLAYBOY MATERIAL 🐰 Blondie🐰💯real📷 📹proof - 26
(5fwy Montebello Bell Gardens Commerce, Anaheim, City of Long Beach, Downtown, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County)
_/\_ (626) 421- 8367 _/\_ Downey / Montebello~ SpEciAls ~Commerce /5 fwy ~ 8(o) SpEciAls _/\_ - 19
(Long Beach, Downey/montebello/commerce/5 fwy)
50 SpECiALS ❤ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤ *ReAdY To PLaY* [AMAZING SKILLS] - 25
(Long Beach, Montebello/Commerce Incall)
°°° Montebello / Commerce incalls ! °° ______ °° 8O §p€©ial§°° ______ °°° BOOTY LOV€R$ D€LiGHT °°° - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello. Commerce. 5 / 6O5 / 710)
😘😘 100% real 💜💎 sexy💖💖 big booty💎👌💙latina girl come play ❤️ now ❤ - 28
(commerce montebello 5fwy, Long Beach)
💖 💎100% real... !! 💖💎 Maya . Latina.... Wonderful!!! ...!! 💖💎 - 24
(Long Beach, Commerce Slauson 5 Fwy)
Mon 06 Jan
*50 SpECiALS* SeXy SeDuCtiVe EbOnY HoTTiE °★ DONT MISS OUT* [Last Day] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall)
❤ 💎 100% ℛεaℓ 💎 █❤█Upscαℓε 💎 ßig ßooty 💎 █❤█ ßusty ρℓαγ ℳᆀ ❤️ REGULER’S Special❤ - 29
(Long Beach, commerce montebello downey 5 fwy)
—— [[80]] Specials —— °•:¦:•★. █ YoUR FAVORITe GIRL *• —— ♥LATINA💄█ ★ •:¦:•° —— AVAiLABLE NOW ! — - 27
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Montebello Commerce Downey)
5O SpECiALS ❤ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤ *ReAdY To PLaY* [LEAVING TODAY AT 1 PM] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall 5 fwy)
* o☆°o———SEXY ————— ★ ((LATINA ))★ ——————[ SPECIAL (80) ] o☆°o - 27
NeW PiCs 👑 6O Specials ❤️ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤️ *ReAdY tO PLaY* LaSt DaY 😘 - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello/Downey 5 Fwy)
🌟✨JESSY ✨🌟ROYAL TREATMENT Let me show U Infinity &Beyon; 💣PlayBOYMaterial 100% real pics 📷📹proof - 25
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, bell gardens commerce montebello)
❤ Big Booty ❤1OO Specials ❤ Latina Goddess ❤ Real Pics ❤ Naughtii & Ready ❤ Reviewed - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello. Commerce. 5 / 6O5 / 71O)
5O SpECiALS ❤ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤ *ReAdY To PLaY* [LEAVING TODAY AT 1 PM] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall 5 fwy)
B E A U T I F U L ..........G I R L........ N E W .... I N ....... T O W N SPECIAL - 24
❤️100%real💜💎 sexy💖💖big booty💎💙latinagirl ❤️avaliable ❤️now❤ - 28
(City of Long Beach, commerce Montebello 5fwy exit slauson, Long Beach)
●●●100 SPCL●100% CHINESE 51" BOOTY from So.America🔥🔥 Gorgeous Chinese - 27
(**MONTEBELLO/MPK IN** Whittier,Commerce, Downey, Long Beach, Norwalk)
*50 SpECiALS* SeXy SeDuCtiVe EbOnY HoTTiE °★ DONT MISS OUT* [Last Day] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall)
😘😘 100% real 💜💎 sexy💖💖 big booty💎💙latina girl avaliable ❤️ now ❤ - 28
(commerce Montebello 5fwy exit slauson, Long Beach)
*_*_* 100 % Real Pics *_*_* Holiday Specials 1oo && SpEcIals *_*_* (626)421-8367 // 5 Fwy *_*_* - 19
(Long Beach, Downey/Commerce/Montebello/ 5 fwy)
❤️100%real💜💎 sexy💖💖big booty💎💙latinagirl ❤️avaliable ❤️now❤ - 29
(5fwy Commerce Montebello pico rivera, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
Sun 05 Jan
Hot! BANGING BODY :) ♥ Carissa is here for you ♥ Your Hot Goddess NEW NUMBER! - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello/commerce 5fwy)
💋💎G▪O▪R▪G▪E▪O▪U▪S -💎-L▪A▪T▪i▪N▪A 💎💋 (✨$80 Special✨) - 25
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Montebello Commerce 5 Fwy)
❤ 💎 100% ℛεaℓ 💎 ❤Upscαℓε 💎 ßig ßooty 💎 ❤ßusty Colombian girl ρℓαγ ℳᆀ ❤️ ❤ - 28
(Long Beach, commerce montebello 5 fwy exit slauson)
✨🌠JESSY 🌠Tuesday Special Let me show U Infinity &Beyond; 📹 Proof PLAYBOYMaterial 100% real pics 📷 - 25
(Commerce Montebello bell gardens 5 fwy, Long Beach)
🌟✨JESSY ✨🌟ROYAL TREATMENT Let me show U Infinity &Beyon; 💣PlayBOYMaterial 100% real pics 📷📹proof - 25
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, bell gardens commerce montebello)
🌠JESSY 🌠Be my KING 👑📹📹 Proof your own PLAYBOYMaterial 🔥CURVY DDD Latina🔥🔥100% real pics 📷 - 25
(Long Beach, Bell gardens Montebello commerce/5fwy)
JAW DR0PPiNG ————— T0E CURLiNG ————— * (o)(o) *———— EYE WATERiNG ————— PLEASURE Z0NE:::1OO ALL NiTE - 22
(Long Beach, Montebello. Commerce. 5 / 6O5 / 71O)
—— [[80]] Specials —— °•:¦:•★. █ YoUR FAVORITe GIRL *• —— ♥LATINA💄█ ★ •:¦:•° —— AVAiLABLE NOW ! — - 27
(Long Beach, Los Angeles, Montebello Commerce Downey)
5O SpECiALS ❤ Petite Hazel Eyed Treat ❤ *ReAdY To PLaY* [LAST NIGHT] - 25
(Long Beach, Commerce/Montebello Incall 5 fwy)
*60 SpECiALS* SeXy SeDuCtiVe EbOnY HoTTiE °★ DONT MISS OUT* [Ready Now] - 25
(Long Beach, montebello/commerce 5 fwy)
:-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-424_255_6348__Susan Latina 21 - 21
(Anaheim, Beverly Hills, Downtown, Hollywood, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Montebello Whittier Downey el Monte, Orange County, Westside)
❤ 💎 100% ℛεaℓ 💎 █❤█Upscαℓε 💎 ßig ßooty 💎 █❤█ ßusty ρℓαγ ℳᆀ ❤️ ❤ - 29
(Long Beach, commerce montebello downey 5 fwy)
❤ 💎 100% ℛεaℓ 💎 ❤Upscαℓε 💎 ßig ßooty 💎 ❤ßusty Colombian girl ρℓαγ ℳᆀ ❤️ ❤ - 28
(Long Beach, commerce montebello 5 fwy exit slauson)
Sat 04 Jan