Sun 09 Mar
⬜⬜❤️⬜⬜ꓮLL ꓠew⬜⬜ꓡomita Massage⬜⬜❤️⬜⬜ꓠew staff🔴ꓗ-girls+ꓡatina⬜⬜❤️⬜⬜424-221-1514
(1234 Lomita Blvd # K, Harbor City, CA 90710)
Mon 27 Jan
==â¢â¢â¢ [[ ExOTiC ]]☀[[ BuStY-BiG BooTY ]]☀[[ LaTiNA ]] â¢â¢â¢ === ✰
(Long Beach, Southbay Torrance Carson San Pedro Lax)
💦👅Gentalmen's #1 Choice👅💦 (424) 571-0733 - 25
(Carson, City of Long Beach, Lomita/110fwy/harbor city/San Pedro, Long Beach)
(¯LooK 36D BuSTY `´¯) »*° SWEET LATINA *° EXoTiC °*21yr.old Big Butt» (¯`´¯) MuSt SEE ! - 21
(Long Beach, TORRANCE / GARDENA NCALLS OFF 110/405/91)
***NATURAL*** 42DDD-38-40!! Busty ... Big Booty ... Caramel Delight! {Great INCALL Rates!} - 27
(Long Beach, CARSON INCALL!!)
[[LATiNA= HAWAiiAN *]]__[[* ExoTiC *]] !! [ New BiG B00TY ] - 22
(Long Beach, torrance-carson-gardena-San Pedro)
L O O K ! ! ! ► SOSEXY BRaNd NeW!! ((**LATiNA**))! ((Big Butt Busty !)) ◄ - 21
(Long Beach, GARDENA / TORRANCE NCALLS OFF 405/110/91)
[[LATiNA= HAWAiiAN *]]__[[* ExoTiC *]] i'LL Make Ur Pants RiSE 4Sure !! [ New BiG B00TY ] - 22
(Long Beach, torrance-carson-gardena-San Pedro)
Lonely? Need Some Company? 👯 Busty 36DD Brunette Latina 👯 Prostate Body Glide Fetish 👙 💄 - 23
(Long Beach, el segundo manhattan beach lax)
LB.💖💛💛SwEet HeArT LaTInA 💋 CuTe &CuRvY;💖 💚*Pettie *💜💖SpAnIsH BeAuTY w/Booty 💖️hablo espanol - 19
(Long Beach, Torrance San pedro Lomita Carson Beach)
LATiNA GiRL's D0 iT BeTTeR *✰* *✰*CURVY CoLLeGE MaMi *✰*5 STAR SeRViCe - 21
(Long Beach, TORRANCE INCALLS NEAR THE 110/405/91)
———— :¦:•L• O • O • K• :¦:————— *HoTT §ExY * 60 specials Tonite :¦:•L• O • O • K• :¦:————— - - - 22
(Long Beach, C Torrance Gardena Manhattan Beach)
•*¨¨*• KNoCKOUT •CUTiE • WiTH • AN AMaZiNG • FiGuRe •I'M a KEEPER•*¨¨*• - 23
(Long Beach, OUTCALLS to you)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 25
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 26
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
=== ❥ [[ HoT ]]☀[[ BuStY-BiG BooTY ]]☀[[ LaTiNA ]] ❥ === ✰ - 24
(Long Beach, Southbay Torrance Carson San Pedro Lax)
★██ ____ G - 0 - R - G - E - 0 - U - S _____ ★ *60* SPECIALs______ L - A - T - I - N - A __ - 22
(Long Beach, Torrance/Carson /Redondo/Gardena)
(¯`'·.¸ ♥ ¸.·'´¯) Dr0p D£ad G0rge0us EbOny Model(¯`'·.¸ ♥ ¸.·'´¯) - 21
(Long Beach, Long Beach Torrance San Pedro Carson)
==â¢â¢â¢ [[ ExOTiC ]]☀[[ BuStY-BiG BooTY ]]☀[[ LaTiNA ]] â¢â¢â¢ === ✰
(Long Beach, Southbay Torrance Carson San Pedro Lax)
(( CoLLeGe GuRL )) BuSTy LOOK === ► ((BiG BooTy Spanish MaMi )) * (1OO% FuN & SeXy) !! - 22
*•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨ `*•.★Blonde Available Now*•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨ `*•.……………….. *•. ¸ ¸ .•*´¨ `*Amazing Specials★ - 22
(Cerritos, Long Beach, long beach downto carson san pedro)
——* BIG B00TY PueRToRiCAN *—— * S E X Y ★ E X O T i C * B U S T Y 36D------- NeW - 22
(Long Beach, (Incalls Only) Southbay Gardena Torrance)
CINDY Big BUtT (( SPECIAL 80/30 )) off 91fwy near 605fwy - 25
(562 Lakewood,Cerritos,Artesia,Downey)
BUSTY 36D TeaR DRoP( . )( . ) BiG ❤ SHaPED BUTT[[LaTiNA MiX]] WHaT U WaNT!! - 24
Beautiful brazilian long beach san pedro carson torrance lawdale,lax24/7 in or out calls. - 35
(Long Beach, long b,carson,gardena,torrance,lawdale,)
*~*~ ASIAN BOMBSHELL *~*~* Hollywood Hottie *~*~*~ Your Place or Mine *~*~ ^100% REAL PICS *~*~* - 21
(West Hollywood Incall / outcall)
{ADuLT FuN }•———•{ SPANiSH MiXeD BARBiE }•———•{ BIG BUTT }•———•{ SeNsuaL PLaY BaBiE} - 24
(Long Beach, SouthBay Redondo Carson san pedro lax)
Sun 26 Jan
🎉LETS START THE NEW YEAR OFF RIGHT🥳✨💕💕✨✨Available NOW✨💕✨💕‼‼‼1000% REAL and REVIEWED 💋💋💋💋
( Long Beach,Carson,Torrance,San Pedro)
(714) 699-8380 starting 10am💝 🍄🍓🍒 i'm sandy, a beautiful and sexy young latina 🥰 my pics r 100% real 😍 beautiful and sexy young latina ready 2 please 👅👅👅today only hosting
(Wilmington, seal beach, long b)
Sun 12 Jan
Long Legged Latina Alicia! Leaving 4:00 today. Specials Hablo Espanol - 22
(Long Beach, Long Beach Torrance Gardena Lomita)
Model Material ** Available Now **EXXXclucive Location** (Out/In Call) - 24
((Long Beach) off 91 frwy)
☆° ❤ HoT INDEPENDENT ChiCk ☆° ❤ SeXY ❤ (60) SPECIAL TONITE !!!!!!!! - 23
(Long Beach, Carson Gardena San Pedro Torrance)
HOT _______ NASTY _________ BUSTY ________ HUGE 40DDD'S __________ for all FETISHES - 26
(Off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
Sat 11 Jan
$80 sp ♥L O O K ♥——————♥ NEW ♥———————♥B E A U T I F U L♥—-—————♥E X O T I C♥————— ◆ ◆ - 22
(Long Beach, 91fwy=Carson*Gardena* LongBeach*Torrance)
•LATiNA ( 5✰) T R E A T °o© • °✰ • BiG BOOTy •°o© • °BuSTY Call NoW!! - 23
(Long Beach, Southbay Incall off the 110/91/105/405)
▃.▃.▃✦AmAzinG ▃▃▃▃▃▃CURVES▃▃▃▃▃▃Must Induldge✦▃▃.▃.▃.▃.▃. - 21
(City of Long Beach, Long Beach, palos verdes san pedro torrance carson)
★•°o cOmE aNd tRy yOuR lUCk★°o°•★ ★• cALL nOw 323-506-0652 - 21
NEW PHOTOS!!! Long legged Latina! Leaving 4:00 pm! Specials! Espanol! - 22
(Long Beach, Gardena Torrance South Bay Lomita)
❤•❤ ExoTiC BoMBsheLL*•} FETISH Friendly •{•*BeST CHoiCE*•}*Specials OUTCALLS - 22
(Long Beach, Torrance Long Beach San Pedro OUTCALLS)
[[LATiNA= HAWAiiAN *]]__[[* ExoTiC *]] !! [ New BiG B00TY ] - 22
(Long Beach, torrance-carson-gardena-San Pedro)
★██ ____ G - 0 - R - G - E - 0 - U - S _____ ★ *60* SPECIALs______ L - A - T - I - N - A __ - 22
(Long Beach, Torrance/Carson /Redondo/Gardena)
✦ IN/OUT ✦ TORRANCE ✦ ★ The Persuasion is in South Bay ! ! - 21
(Long Beach, Torrance, San Pedro, Carson ? 4O5/)
Fri 10 Jan
657-262-9299 Juicy Creole Kitty 😻🔥💦👅 - 20
(Carson, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Pedro, Palos Verdes, Long Beach, Westside)
{ADuLT FuN }{ PUerToRicaN MiXeD BARBiE }{ BIG BUTT }{ SeNsuaL PLaY BaBiE} - 24
(Long Beach, SouthBay Redondo Carson san pedro)
😘😍💎80 Elegant Erotic Fun Petite Russian 🍬🌸👯 - 21
(City of Long Beach, Downtown Lb hungington INCALL, Long Beach)
New Freaky Couple! Lets enjoy one another! Incall or Outcall 🚗 - 24
(Long Beach, O.C. Carson San Pedro L.B. H.Gardens)
~FETISH LOVER~ ThiCC SeXy FreaKy BBW! Juicest BBW b00ty N t0wn. - 23
(Long Beach, Carson,Torrance, San Pedro,Longbeach,110)
♥ 1st ♥ Class Fl!ght ♥ 2 Pl£a$ur£♥ £b0ny M0del ($pecials) - 21
(Long Beach, Harbor city San pedro Long Beach Carson)
((New Sexy ))💕 ((💕BuBbLe BoOty💕)✨ ( Mix!' Russian ) (0utcalls 120.Specials Only Tonight - 31
(Long Beach, 0utcalls all over 120=200)
((NiCe SLenDeR)) °•★©•° ((= FiLiPiNo ItaLiaN MiX =)) °•★©•° ((RaRe FinD))° FeTiSH - - 23
(Long Beach, YOUR PLACE.)
80*NEW**•❥SWeeT ❥ PeTTiE *★•MiXeD TReAT ❥*ViSiTinG •80 specials - 22
(Long Beach, Torrance Gardena San pedro Lomita)
❤•❤ ExoTiC BoMBsheLL*•} FETISH Friendly •*Specials - 22
(Carson, City of Long Beach, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Sanpedro Downey Cerritos Carson*)
❤•InCaLL •❤ ExoTiC BoMBsheLL*•} {•* & FeTiSh FrIeNdLy*•} •{•*BeST CHoiCE*•}* Specials - 22
(Long Beach, Torrance Gardena Long Beach Harbor City)
HOT wild Nasty exotic BUSTY Latina with amazing 40DDD'S to fondle and loves all types of FETISHES - 25
(off the 105, 91 & 605 fwy or ur place)
*¨☆*: HAWAiiAN LATiNA MiX: *¨☆*: {{BUSTY 36DD}} BiG BooTiE 1OO SpeciaLs REViEweD - 23
(Long Beach, Torrance Gardena Incalls 405/91/110/105)
Thu 09 Jan
80♥L O O K ♥———♥ ♥———♥B E A U T I F U L♥Incalls—-—♥E X O T I C♥— ◆ ◆ - 22
(Long Beach, Torrance Gardena San pedro Cerritos)
*Long week? Tired? How does a nice topless 36D Big Butt mutual touch massage sound? - 23
(Long Beach, Torrance Southbay San Pedro Carson Beach)
(¯LooK 36D BuSTY `´¯) »*° SWEET LATINA *° EXoTiC °*21yr.old Big Butt» (¯`´¯) MuSt SEE ! - 21
(Long Beach, TORRANCE / GARDENA NCALLS OFF 110/405/91)
657-262-9299 Juicy Creole Kitty 😻🔥💦👅 - 20
(Carson, Long Beach, Los Angeles, San Pedro, Palos Verdes, Long Beach, Westside)
CINDY Big BUtT Sexy thick LatinA 100/30 off 91fwy near 605fwy - 25
(562 Lakewood,Cerritos,Artesia,Downey)
((NiCe SLenDeR)) °•★©•° ((= FiLiPiNo ItaLiaN MiX =)) °•★©•° ((RaRe FinD))° FeTiSH - - 23
(Long Beach, YOUR PLACE.)
Explicit 💋Extreme 💋Explosive💋outcalls only - 24 - 24
(Long Beach, Carson/Wilmington/San Pedro/Bellflower)
Ebony M♥del Type (100% Sat!sfact!0n Guarant££d ) $pecial ☆. * ☆. - 21
(Long Beach, 91 405 110 FWYs)
★•°o°•★ NaStY★•°o°★ SPECIALS★ RIGHT NOW★ LeT me PLEASE you NOW°o°•★ ★• °323-506-0652 - 21
► All AMERICAN ❶ Blue Eyed Brunette BARBIE ❤ 100% Real & REVIEWED ◄ - 22
(Long Beach, Carson/Willmington/Long Beach/San Pedro)
Huge BUSTY melon 40DDD TITS on Super EXOTIC LATINA SUPER BUSTY!!!! I can go to your place OR mine - 26
(Your place or mine by the 605 and 91 fwy)
💋😥🌹🎃 🎃 Have You EVER had 42" of bOOty Before ???😾 👻👻👻 Trick Or Treat!!💖🙌🙌🙌 💋💎🔥🌹🎃🎃 HoT Stuff 🔥🔥🔥 - 23
(Long Beach, Downey Paramount Lakewood Norwalk)
Wed 08 Jan
♥ °°N°° a°° u °°g °°h °°T°° y ♥ °° OR °° ♥ °° N °° i°° c°° E ♥ - 21
(Long Beach, 91 fwy 110 fwy 405 fwy)
— •CLiCK HERE• —×°°×— •IF YoU• —×°°×—— •REQUiRE• —×°°×—— •THE BEST - 22
(carson gardenia torrance san pedro, City of Long Beach, Long Beach)
► All AMERICAN ❶ Blue Eyed Brunette BARBIE ❤ 100% Real & REVIEWED ◄ - 22
(Long Beach, Carson/Willmington/Long Beach/San Pedro)
{ADuLT FuN }•———•{ SPANiSH MiXeD BARBiE }•———•{ BIG BUTT }•———•{ SeNsuaL PLaY BaBiE} - 24
(Long Beach, SouthBay Redondo Carson san pedro lax)
80♥L O O K ♥———♥ ♥———♥B E A U T I F U L♥Incalls—-—♥E X O T I C♥— ◆ ◆ - 22
(Long Beach, Torrance Gardena San pedro Cerritos)
-] — NEW ARRIVAL ———————— §UP€R §€XY BÂRB!€ ◀█ ——60 specials————— - 21
(Long Beach, Carson Gardena Torrance San Pedro)
(NeW) CLiCK HeRE....NiCe BoDY... (( LaTiNa & EBoNy )) 8O IncaLLS - 21
(Long Beach, beach areas south bay Long beach lax)
❤•❤ ExoTiC BoMBsheLL*•} FETISH Friendly •*Specials - 22
(Carson, City of Long Beach, Inglewood / Hawthorne, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Sanpedro Downey Cerritos Carson*)
Ebony M♥del Type (100% Sat!sfact!0n Guarant££d ) $pecial ☆. * ☆. - 21
(Long Beach, 91 405 110 FWYs)
-] — NEW ARRIVAL ———————— §UP€R §€XY BÂRB!€ ◀█ ——60 specials————— - 21
(Long Beach, Carson Gardena Torrance San Pedro)
NEW PHOTOS!!! Long legged Latina! Specials! Espanol! - 22
(Long Beach, Gardena Torrance South Bay Lomita)
==••• [[ ExOTiC ]]☀[[ BuStY-BiG BooTY ]]☀[[ LaTiNA ]] ••• === ✰ - 24
(Long Beach, Southbay Torrance Carson San Pedro Lax)